
It’s not unusual to encounter a clog in your kitchen sink periodically. This problem can be resolved with a simple drain cleaning treatment from a qualified plumbing contractor. But preventing the issue from happening at all is the best line of defense in protecting your pipes from significant damage. Here are some common causes of blockages in the kitchen sink.

Why Do Kitchen Sinks Get Clogs?

1. Greasy Substances

It shouldn’t be surprising to learn that thick substances can cause trouble within the pipes. This is particularly true of items like grease, fat, and butter, all of which harden as they cool. Once that happens, they’ll accumulate inside the drain and eventually cause a stubborn blockage. You can avert this problem by collecting these substances in a disposable container or foil and throwing it in the garbage after it hardens.

2. Coffee Grounds

drain cleaningIf you’re a coffee drinker, then the occasional batch of used grounds has found its way into the kitchen sink. While they may seem innocuous given their minute size, these particles become heavy and thick when introduced to water. The more grounds that rinse down the pipes, the greater the likelihood you’ll need to schedule professional drain cleaning to reduce a substantial blockage.

3. Starchy Foods

It may not seem like bread, potatoes, pasta, or rice could be particularly harmful to pipes, but these and other starch-heavy foods become pasty and thick when exposed to water. They can stick to the pipe walls and require immediate drain cleaning. It’s not an unusual occurrence in a baker’s kitchen and is something that all culinary enthusiasts should be mindful of during food preparation.


If you’re dealing with a clog in the kitchen, you can trust the experts at Frontier Electric & Plumbing to help. Based in Saint Clair, MO, these qualified plumbing contractors have served the community since 1987. They’re equipped to handle everything from stubborn drain cleaning jobs to leaky pipes to water heater issues. They also offer 24-hour emergency service when you need them the most. Visit the plumbers online for more information, or call them at (636) 629-2275 to schedule an appointment.
