

A Guide to Earwax 

How It Forms

Also known by its formal name, cerumen, earwax forms from fatty secretions in the sebaceous and sweat glands within outer ear canal walls. As it travels through the canal via jaw movements such as talking, chewing, and yawning, it accumulates dead skin as well as dust and other debris. Every human secretes ear wax; however, the type and quantity differ depending on the individual. Wax in those with smaller ear canals can have difficulty moving efficiently, while people with skin conditions such as eczema tend to have harder earwax.

What Benefits It Provides

hearing aidsThe substance’s debris-catching abilities protect the inner ears from contaminants and keep the canals clean. Earwax also guards the ears against viruses, bacteria, and fungi because of its antimicrobial and acidic content. Acid helps kill viruses and other infections. Other benefits include protecting the ears from insects who find the substance’s odor repulsive, as well as moisturizing and lubricating the ear canal. 

Why You Shouldn’t Remove It

Attempting to remove earwax with a cotton swab, finger, or any other implement prevents the secretions from functioning efficiently. It pushes the wax back into the canal, resulting in impaction that blocks the eardrums and contributes to hearing loss. Impaction symptoms may include dizziness, ear ringing, pain, itchiness, and sensations of fullness. Additionally, improper cleaning techniques such as candling can puncture and burn the eardrums. Limit yourself to cleaning the outside of your ears gently with a washcloth in the shower.



Work with the audiologists at Glacier Ear Nose & Throat and Glacier Hearing Service in Kalispell, MT, to obtain the right hearing aids for your needs and prevent issues with earwax. The center has served the Flathead Valley for over 30 years. Their attentive staff offers personalized, affordable services including hearing tests and allergy shots. Call (406) 752-8330 today or visit the center online to view testimonials from satisfied patients. 
