
Sport fishing in Hawaii is an experience unlike any other. Not only is there a unique opportunity to put your skills into motion while spending time in beautiful surroundings, but you can also encounter some unexpected marine life while on the waters. Here are three types of fish you might encounter during your next expedition.

What Types of Fish Can You Experience During Spring Sport Fishing?

1. Striped Marlin

There’s a certain thrill for avid fishermen on the hunt for striped marlin, a fish noteworthy for its lengthy body, bluish-black top body, and lower silver-toned body. These intrepid fish are known for tailing, a process of swimming just below the water’s surface with only its tail peeking out as they go in search of smaller baitfish. Finding one during your sport fishing expedition is a true feat, as these fish have the potential to grow up to 450 pounds.  

2. Short Billed Spearfish

sport fishingSometimes known as hebi, the short-billed spearfish is a common catch that many sport fishing enthusiasts experience. The fish typically weighs no more than 75 pounds. It’s known for its long body and extremely short bill, and it features an unusual complex color variation that marries dark blue, brown, and silver.

3. Mahi Mahi

One of the most prized catches of all is mahi mahi, also known as the dolphin fish. Experienced fishermen know to look for floating debris, as this is a particularly attractive sight for mahi mahi and causes them to surround the object in number. The fish are known for their striking green-blue bodies and the tendency to put up a fight when they’re caught. Adults weigh approximately 50 pounds and are fairly quick swimmers, which makes them especially exciting to catch.


If you’re ready to join a sport fishing expedition to remember, turn to Blue Nun Sport Fishing in Honolulu, HI. These fishing tour professionals make it easy to enjoy the experience from start to finish. They offer all the gear that you need for a safe and productive adventure, including rods and bait. You can head out for a whole day or less, depending on your preferences, with a maximum of six fellow fishing enthusiasts on board. Visit the website to browse availability, or call (808) 596-2443 to book your charter.
