
Shopping local is a fantastic way to support your community businesses. For some products, however, it takes on greater importance. If you’re seeking plumbing supplies for your home or business, make it a point to turn to a local supply store. There are several ways this is advantageous for you and your community. Keep the following points in mind.

Why It’s Smart to Shop Locally for Plumbing Supplies

1. Boost Your Local Economy

Think about what it means to give your business to a homegrown company born and bred in your town. There’s huge value in the service that they provide you. Compared to larger stores that are part of big chains, smaller establishments treat each customer like members of the family. Providing them with your business stimulates the community’s economy. It also allows them to turn a profit and keep locals employed. It’s a healthy cycle that benefits everyone involved.

2. Speak to Industry Experts

plumbing suppliesYou can’t be certain that the employees at the nearest big box store have all of the information you need to select the right plumbing supplies. Maybe you’re seeking a specific type of shower faucet for your bathroom renovation, or want to know more about low-flow toilets. Someone who has run a locally owned store for years is far more likely to have a straightforward, informative response.

3. Tap Into Local Knowledge

Another major benefit is the local advantage. For example, your property may need a specific type of sump pump if your area is prone to floods. A local plumbing products store will be staffed by people who know exactly what you need to solve that problem without a second thought. This type of regional understanding can be invaluable when it comes to completing your household plumbing projects.


Are you in the market for quality plumbing supplies? Turn to the experts at Specialized Plumbing Parts Supply in Edgewood, KY. Offering more than 70 years of collective experience, the staff at this family-owned and -operated company takes great pride in providing its loyal customers with the honest, dependable service they expect. Whether you’re seeking a distinctive bathroom faucet, a new sump pump, or another type of plumbing part, you’ll find it here. Visit them online for details, or call (859) 341-6666 to speak with a friendly team member today.
