
Bringing home a new cat or dog is exciting, but if they aren’t spayed or neutered already, it’s up to you to make sure they get the procedure done. Some pet owners wonder if sterilization is truly necessary. When the operation is completed at a veterinary clinic, it can be highly beneficial for your pet. Here are a few reasons why pets should always be spayed or neutered.

Why You Should Spay or Neuter Your Pet

1. Avoid Unwanted Behaviors

Intact males tend to act territorial and aggressive, and they are more likely to attempt to escape to seek out a mate. Female pets that haven’t been spayed go into heats. Cats yowl and urinate frequently, while dogs whimper and pace. Both will emit pheromones in an attempt to attract males, which may bring strays and neighborhood pets to your yard. These behaviors can often be eliminated with spaying and neutering.

veterinary clinic2. Improve Your Pet’s Health

When you spay or neuter your pet now, they can avoid many diseases and health issues in the future. Neutering eliminates the risk of testicular cancer in males and prevents many prostate problems. If you spay before your pet’s first heat, she’ll have a better chance of avoiding breast cancer and uterine infections.

3. Protect Your Community

Roaming male pets are endangering themselves and those in your neighborhood. They can cause car accidents and scare neighbors, and their aggression may lead to fights with wild animals and other pets. Neutering will make your male less likely to roam and can sometimes reduce hostility.

4. Prevent Unexpected Expenses

Some pet owners worry about the price of spaying and neutering, but going through with the procedure is much more cost-effective than taking care of an unexpected litter. Even if you eventually manage to find new homes for the whole litter, you will still need to have them all checked at the veterinary clinic and provide them with care for the first few weeks or even months.

5. Fight Overpopulation

If you can’t find homes for your litter, you likely won’t be able to take care of all of them. Unplanned litters contribute to the overpopulation of strays and shelter animals. According to the ASPCA, thousands of these animals starve or are put down every year. By spaying and neutering your pet, you are ensuring you’ll never contribute to overpopulation.


Spaying and neutering are beneficial to your pet, family, and community. If your pet needs this procedure, contact Clermont Animal Hospital. They perform safe and affordable veterinary surgery for families throughout the Batavia, OH, area. This veterinary clinic is proud to provide personalized care for every cat and dog that walks into their office. From routine preventive care to dermatology, their staff offers the best in modern veterinary medicine. Visit their website for forms, payment options, and resources. Call (513) 732-1730 to set up an appointment at the veterinary clinic.
