
Arthritis is a painful, sometimes debilitating disease, but it can be managed with medication and regular attention from a good doctor. Unfortunately, no matter how good your health insurance is or how careful you might be, flareups are sometimes unavoidable. Below are a few tips for getting your arthritis symptoms back under control.

4 Tips for Controlling Arthritis Flareups

1. Identify the Warning Signs

Most people experience warning signs that a flareup is coming. For instance, you may feel a dull ache the day before, or know that overworking the affected joints will lead to serious pain the next day. Starting treatment as soon as you know a flareup is coming will help control the symptoms and keep the problem from getting worse.

2. Talk to Your Doctor

health insuranceIf you have arthritis, your rheumatologist has probably created a treatment plan to manage your chronic symptoms. Instead of waiting for the flareup to subside on its own, make an appointment with your doctor as soon as possible. They may be able to adjust your medication or prescribe a temporary treatment to control your acute symptoms.

3. Rest Your Joints

While movement is generally good for arthritis, during a flareup, you may need to give your joints a rest. Experiment with different levels of activity to find a good balance between working out the stiffness and giving your body a break.

4. Use Hot & Cold Compresses

Alternating between hot and cold compresses can help control swelling and decrease pain without medication. Apply each for no more than 15 minutes at a time, two to four times a day.


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