
If your child has Down syndrome, there are several ways their oral health can be impacted. To best care for your child’s smile, it’s important to find a professional well-versed in special needs dentistry. Discover more about how Down syndrome affects your child’s oral health and how a special needs dentistry professional can help you maintain their smile.

What Dental Issues Are Associated With Down Syndrome?

There are multiple oral health conditions your child with Down syndrome might be affected by. To begin with, you may notice delayed eruption when it comes to baby teeth. This means they may not develop a tooth until after the age of 2, which may also cause them to remain in the mouth longer, sometimes up to 14–15 years of age. Additionally, the teeth that erupt may be smaller or missing in some areas, which can make chewing or eating difficult.

special needs dentistryIndividuals with Down syndrome may also be prone to larger tongues with fissures—or cracks—in them. These cracks serve as the perfect environment for bacteria to grow, making tongue cleaning important to avoid infection. Periodontal disease is also prevalent in individuals with Down syndrome, which can cause accelerated infections and tooth deterioration if not promptly handled.

How Can These Issues Be Avoided?

Regular visits with a special needs dentistry professional will help maintain your child’s smile, as well as stay ahead of any potential conditions that can develop. In addition to oral health issues, individuals with Down syndrome are also more likely to have heart defects, which can require specialized treatment like antibiotics if dealing with a dental infection. A special needs dentistry professional will be aware of the different factors that impact your child’s health and can ensure they properly evaluate and treat conditions as quickly as possible to preserve their smile.


If you are raising a child with Down syndrome or other special needs, trust the professionals at Alaska Dentistry for Kids in Anchorage to protect their smile. The knowledgeable staff is trained in special needs dentistry and can ensure your child receives the most competent and compassionate treatment possible for their oral health. To learn more about their services, visit them online or call (907) 274-2525.
