
Many individuals experience painful sciatica, which is caused by a compression of the spinal nerve in the lower back. Unfortunately, this pain is often unknowingly exacerbated by everyday tasks. But the good news is you can adjust these daily triggers to reduce pain. Here are three ways you may be making your sciatica worse.

3 Triggers for Sciatica Pain & How to Avoid Them

1. Sitting for Prolonged Periods

Sitting puts additional stress on your lower back and sciatic nerve. If you have a job or lifestyle that requires you to sit for prolonged periods of time, this can worsen sciatica pain if you’re not careful. Fortunately, there are a couple of ways to reduce this pressure and pain, such as practicing proper posture, sitting with your knees slightly elevated on a stool, or using a standing desk. Getting up to gently stretch every hour or so can also help reduce the compression of nerves around the spine, relieving uncomfortable pressure.

2. Wearing Uncomfortable Shoes

sciaticaWearing uncomfortable shoes, particularly high heels, can push your body weight forward, forcing your hips to flex forward. This hip movement can also overextend your hamstrings as a result, triggering your sciatica pain. To prevent this issue, avoid wearing high heels and opt for well-fitting, supportive shoes, preferably those with cushioning.

3. Lifting Heavy Objects

Lifting and bearing heavy weight can place excess strain on your back, elevating sciatica pain and even throwing your body out of alignment. If you’re required to do occasional light lifting as part of your job description, ensure you’re using your knees for leverage instead of the back. Start by squatting next to the object, holding it to your chest, and engaging your leg muscles to stand slowly while keeping your back straight. If you need to move heavy objects, arrange for assistance in advance and avoid straining yourself.

If you suffer from sciatica, put your trust in the experts at The Miracle of Massage in Stone Mountain, GA. Headed by Brian Walters, a trained pain relief massage therapist, they provide pain relief services that cater to the true needs of their clients. Offering everything from back pain relief to medical massage, they help individuals manage chronic pain and lead comfortable and productive lives. To schedule an appointment, give them a call today at (678) 883-2873. 
