
Dental veneers can brighten your smile and boost your confidence. Made of a thin but durable porcelain material, they are bonded to the front of the teeth to cover imperfections and discoloration. Below are some facts to know about this dental procedure.

A Guide to Dental Veneers 

You Will Need to Have Custom Fittings 

They are not a one-size-fits-all dental solution, which is good. They are designed to fit the unique shape of each individual’s teeth and mouth. At your first appointment, the dentist will take measurements of your tooth enamel, pulp tissue, and bite to ensure a perfect fit for the finished product. Because this is a detailed customization, veneers typically require more than one visit to the dentist.

You Will Try Out a Temporary Set

veneersBefore the final set of veneers are bonded to the teeth, patients are asked to test out temporary veneers so they have an idea of how their new smile will look and feel. The sensation of wearing veneers is new for most people, so this trial run is a chance to verify comfort and appearance beforehand. The temporary set is usually only worn for a couple of days.

You Will Still Have Your Natural Teeth

Veneers do not replace your natural teeth; they attach to the front of the existing teeth. That being said, sometimes natural teeth need to be reshaped to accommodate a larger veneer. This involves filing down the tooth so the veneer fits over it, but it does not compromise the patient's bite or comfort.


If you’ve decided you want to improve your smile, call David A. Dauphin, DMD in Dothan, AL. This family dentist provides general and cosmetic dentistry services, including teeth whitening, bridges, and crowns. To see if veneers are right for you, schedule an appointment by calling (334) 794-3727 or visiting the dental practice’s website.
