
If it’s your first time visiting the islands, you might be excited by the new sounds, sights, tastes, and scents you’ll experience. Like scents, associating a distinct flavor with your adventure can cement the memories in your brain, ensuring that you’ll never forget your vacation in paradise. Drinking personalized wine is a unique and delicious way to create lasting memories.

How Personalized Wine Can Enhance Your Hawaiian Experience

Experience Wine on a Whole New Level

Whether you’re an enthusiast or just starting to drink wine, taking part in the production process will grant you greater insight and appreciation for the beloved beverage. Some wineries allow you to sample options, select a flavor profile, mix and match to suit your taste, and even create a label. You’ll be involved in every step of the process, including filling, corking, and sealing the bottles.

Create the Perfect Gift or Souvenir

personalized wineSince you’ll be making and tasting your wine in a beautiful, tropical location, your memories will associate the flavor with Hawaii’s warm beaches and blue skies. This means every time you uncork the bottle for a drink, memories of your experiences will come rushing back, no matter how long it’s been since your vacation.

A bottle of personalized wine will also make an ideal gift for someone who’s never visited the islands. Gifts of wine are more creative and intimate than a T-shirt or keychain, and they communicate that you put time and effort into creating a thoughtful souvenir.


If you want to taste and create personalized wines during your vacation in Hawaii, visit OENO Winemaking in Kailua, HI, for an unforgettable afternoon. Guests can also sit down for tastings guided by a knowledgeable team member who will answer questions and explain the different scents and tastes. Shop their selection online, or call (808)263-6366 to schedule a tasting.
