
Although many parents take time to help their children with homework, some kids need additional assistance to keep from falling behind at school. Enrollment in a learning center could improve your child’s comprehension, helping build confidence in their abilities to become a better student. If you’re on the fence, below are additional advantages children gain through learning center attendance and how to tell whether an academic program will be the right fit for your youngster.

How Kids Benefit From Enrollment in Learning Centers

Participating in afterschool math- and reading-focused programs allows kids to learn at their own pace. The student-to-teacher ratio is often lower than in a traditional classroom setting, which means instructors can spend more one-on-one time with each student and tailor lesson plans to address their strengths and weaknesses. With guidance, kids develop their own techniques to retain information. This means they understand one lesson before progressing in their coursework. Children who devote additional time to their studies outside of school are often more eager to participate when called on, volunteer to answer questions, and engage in group discussions.  

How to Determine Whether Your Child Needs Extra Help

learning centerEven if your child doesn’t mention having difficulty with their studies, there are still tell-tale signs that indicate they are struggling. If it takes your child hours to complete a few homework assignments each night or they get frustrated easily while going over their studies, they could benefit from enrolling in a learning center. You can also speak with teachers to get a clearer picture of how your child is doing in school and where there’s room for improvement. If grades are dropping in certain subjects, tutoring can reinforce what’s learned at school. 


To ensure your child stays on top of their studies and meets their academic goals, reach out to the staff at JEI Learning Center - South San Jose. Their educators provide kids throughout the Evergreen and Silver Creek areas of San Jose, CA, with workbook activities to improve their math skills and reading and writing comprehension. Their staff will conduct diagnostic testing to determine how to address your child’s needs. To learn more about available reading and math programs for kids, call (408) 270-6162; or, visit the learning center online to see sample worksheets. Like them on Facebook to stay in the loop regarding upcoming programs. 
