
While usually harmless, many people find skin tags bothersome or aesthetically displeasing. Skin tags, which are composed of collagen and blood vessels and protrude from the skin like a “tag,” are growths that develop due to age, obesity, and sometimes for no reason at all. It’s possible to remove skin tags on your own, but in other cases, you definitely want to seek assistance from a doctor.

Home Remedies

There are a variety of home remedies designed to remove skin tags safely and with little discomfort. Creams are applied via applicator and usually remove tags in a matter of weeks. There are also devices that stop the supply of blood to the area, which results in the tag falling away on its own. This process usually takes about ten days. You can also use string or dental floss for the same purpose, but you must ensure your hands, skin, and string are thoroughly cleaned to prevent infection.

Skin tags may also be frozen. Products using this method contain liquid nitrogen, which is applied in several applications and causes the tag to fall away in a little over a week. While effective, you want to ensure the substance does not make prolonged contact with your skin to avoid irritation. Other removal remedies include iodine, apple cider vinegar, and tea tree oil.

When to Visit Your Doctor

doctorFor some people, it’s best to have skin tags removed by a doctor to prevent complications. Skin tags are sometimes located in a sensitive area, such as around the eyes or near the genitals. Larger tags are also prone to excessive bleeding, and this can be a real issue when using an at-home remedy. When it comes to professional skin tag removal, a doctor can excise the growth, cauterize it, or apply liquid nitrogen.

Additionally, you should only take care of the issue yourself if you’re positive it is indeed only a skin tag. If you have any concern that it’s something more serious, consult your physician to be safe.


When it comes to minor skin procedures, the team of doctors at Walton Family Medicine PC has you covered. They will assess growths occurring on your skin and offer a safe and effective solution for removal in a controlled and sterile medical environment. This preventive medicine and urgent care center also offers a wide range of other health services, including internal medicine, pediatric care, radiology, and lab testing. Visit the website for more information on minor surgeries. If you’d like to schedule an appointment for you or a family member in Monroe, GA, call (770) 267-7093 today.
