
When you’re a contractor or developer, it’s a major advantage to have a strong sense of the leading construction technologies of the day. One of the most impactful and valuable to come along has been the PMMA waterproofing system—a technique used by roofing contractors and other building agents. Here’s a guide to everything you need to know about this method. 

What Is PMMA Waterproofing?

The PMMA waterproofing system is a novel liquid-based method of applying a waterproof surface. PMMA stands for polymethyl methacrylate, the two main ingredients in the mixture. Used both to fortify old surfaces and create strong new ones, PMMA has applications for roofs, roads, and walkways. 

What Are Its Benefits?

PMMA waterproofing systemOne of the key assets of PMMA is it allows waterproofing contractors to complete the entire installation or repair in an extraordinarily fast time. That makes it indispensable for jobs that require a speedy turnaround time such as a busy thoroughfare. Beyond its main job of repelling water and thus achieving elite durability, the PMMA is also able to avoid damage from the sun’s ultraviolet rays. Its appearance makes it aesthetically pleasing, and the lack of seams ensures liquid won’t seep into its core. 

How Does It Work?

The speedy curing process is possible due to what’s known as free radical polymerization. Once a peroxide agent is added, it creates a chain-like effect that tightly binds together all the monomers present. With the help of a few other additives, the liquid receives some malleability, letting it hug the surface and create a perfect molded membrane. 


If a project you’re working on could benefit from waterproofing, don’t hesitate to reach out to a top PMMA contractor like Pro-Crete Systems of Florida in Largo. Whether you need a traffic coating or balcony and breezeway waterproofing, the professionals will provide you with a durable surface through the PMMA waterproofing system. Set up an appointment in Pinellas County, FL, with the experienced team by calling (727) 526-8090. Learn more about the waterproof contractor by visiting their website
