
Lung cancer is one of the deadliest cancers, resulting in the death of more people each year than prostate, breast, and colon cancer combined. While genetic and environmental factors play a significant role, many cases can be traced to exposure to dangerous carcinogens, such as cigarette smoke, radon gas, and other substances.

The 3 Leading Causes of Lung Cancer

1. Smoking

Tobacco use is by far the most common cause of lung cancer, contributing to approximately 90% of new cases every year. In addition to the nicotine in tobacco, cigarettes contain a variety of chemicals proven to increase your chances of developing cancer. Second-hand smoke can also cause lung cancer. Deciding to stop smoking is the single greatest gift you can give yourself and your loved ones.

2. Radon Gas

Radon is an odorless, colorless gas that occurs naturally in certain types of soil. It’s estimated that radon is responsible for up to 20,000 lung cancer deaths each year. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) claims that radon is responsible for more fatalities than drunk driving annually. If concentration of the gas in a home is maintained low, the risk of developing lung cancer is significantly decreased. Therefore, have your home tested for radon so action can be taken to reduce the levels, if needed, and then retest anytime major renovations are made to the lowest livable areas of the home.

3. Hazardous Chemicals

Other radioactive substances like uranium and radium, as well as asbestos, nickel, and some petroleum products, have proven to contribute to the risk of developing lung cancer. If you work with these or other dangerous chemicals, use proper safety equipment and schedule regular lung cancer screenings.

With over a decade of experience in radon testing and installation of radon mitigation systems, A to Z Radon Solutions, a division of Z&H Enterprises is dedicated to making Lincoln, NE, homes safer, one house at a time. They employ some of the most advanced radon testing equipment available in the industry, so you can rely on their specialists for early detection of elevated radon conditions and customized solutions designed to lower the risk to you and your family. Visit their website for more on their testing & mitigation services or call (402) 742-5806 to schedule an appointment today
