
Your daily life depends heavily on your eye health and vision. While all vision problems cannot be avoided, there are some ways to keep your vision strong and healthy for years to come. Follow these simple steps to take care of your eyes.

5 Methods for Boosting Eye Health

1. Eat Well

What you put in your body is important for your health overall. However, there are a few foods that contain nutrients like vitamin C and E, omega-3 fatty acids, zinc, and lutein, which are all known to promote healthy eyes and keep your vision strong. Foods like leafy greens, eggs, nuts, beans, salmon, tuna, citrus fruits, and pork are all excellent sources of these key nutrients.

2. Don’t Smoke

eye healthDid you know that smoking increases your risk of developing cataracts, macular degeneration, and damage to your optic nerve? If you currently smoke, kick the habit to save your eyes and to prevent other health problems.

3. Take a Break from the Computer Screen

Studies show that staring at a computer or other type of screen for too long can cause blurry vision, dry eyes, headaches, eyestrain, trouble focusing at a distance, and neck and back pain. An effective way to prevent these issues is to take a rest from your screen every 20 minutes. Simply look 20 feet away for 20 seconds and remember to get up and take a 15-minute break every two hours.

4. Wear Eye Protection

Wear sunglasses when you are outdoors, as too much ultraviolet (UV) rays can increase your risk of cataracts. Whenever you work with machinery or hazardous/airborne materials, wear protective goggles or safety glasses. Eye protection should also be worn when participating in certain sports like hockey, lacrosse, or baseball where your eyes could be damaged.

5. Get Regular Eye Exams

A regular eye exam ensures that you are aware of any health conditions you have and that affect your sight. Eye exams also catch any problems early so that preventative measures can be taken to preserve your vision. Simple changes in your eyeglasses or contact lens prescription also have a major impact on your overall eye health.


The resident optometrists at Staarmann Family Vision Center in Fairfield, OH, are dedicated to your vision and eye health. They specialize in a wide range of solutions and vision care for all locals. Give them a call at (513) 874-1718 today or visit their website or Facebook page to learn more about how they will serve you.
