
Discovering a single roach in your home is alarming, and if it has friends, you might have trouble sleeping. These stubborn pests are notoriously difficult to catch and even more difficult to contain once they get settled in your home. Fortunately, you can take a few preventive roach control steps to discourage them from entering in the first place. Here’s what you can do to make your home a less roach-friendly.

How to Roach-Proof Your House

1. Eliminate the Clutter

Clutter provides roaches with a dark, warm, and easy hiding place that make roach control a major challenge. Common secret lairs include cardboard boxes, newspaper bundles, paper grocery bags, and firewood piles. Remove these along with miscellaneous clutter around the house—making sure to check areas that might not be obvious—to reduce their chances of finding shelter inside the house.

2. Seal All Openings

Cookeville, TN roach controlRoaches don’t require much room to make their way inside. Even small gaps are just large enough for persistent bugs to enter. Take the time to inspect the areas surrounding all doors and windows. Use caulking to seal openings so that they can’t flatten themselves and slip through those minuscule spaces.

3. Remove Visible Food

The scent of food is a powerful magnet for these pests, so the simple act of cleaning the kitchen thoroughly is one of the most effective methods of roach control you can take. Make sure you wipe the counters and clean the floors at the end of each day, put dirty dishes away, and store food in airtight containers where bugs are unlikely to sniff them out. If you have a pet, avoid leaving their bowls out, as that scent may also appeal to roaches.

4. Fix Existing Leaks

Since roaches seek out damp areas, make sure you don’t have extra moisture sources anywhere in the house. Check for leaks, especially in aging plumbing, and make sure you don’t have water issues in the basement or garage. Consider using a dehumidifier in areas where moisture control is a problem.


Are you concerned about the presence of roaches in your home? Turn to the experts at Central Tennessee Termite & Pest Control. Based in Cookeville, TN, they offer nearly 20 years of industry experience handling everything from roach control to rodent removal. They can also provide you with moisture control tips if it poses a problem in your home. Whether you’re dealing with stubborn cockroaches, bed bugs, ants, spiders, or some other type of unwelcome critter, you can trust these exterminators to resolve the issue for you. Visit them online or call (931) 526-2033 for a prompt estimate.
