
If you’re building a custom home, planning the layout is a crucial early task. You’ll have to determine the number of rooms your family needs and how many will fit in the space you’re working with. As you plan, it’s also essential to consider the resale value and what potential buyers might expect. For those interested in designing a custom home, here’s a guide to help you determine the correct number of bedrooms and bathrooms.

What to Consider When Planning a Custom Home

Your Family’s Needs

You probably want each of your kids to have a bedroom, a master bedroom for yourself, and one for guests. You may also want a designated bathroom for each bedroom. Think about what works about your current home and what doesn’t. For example, if you have two full bathrooms, but they’re always crowded, then you probably need at least three in your new home. If you’re single and don’t host guests frequently, these needs will look a bit smaller.

Your Local Market

custom homesLook at the homes that sell in your local real estate market. Buyers in family-oriented areas usually have at least three bedrooms, and it’s a wise idea to have at least two bathrooms for every three bedrooms to accommodate everyone in the home. However, this can change depending on your neighborhood. For example, in big cities, fewer bedrooms may be the norm due to smaller square footage. Research the homes in your area or consult a real estate professional to find out how you can maximize your space and value.

Your Space & Budget

More isn’t always better when it comes to adding rooms to custom homes; you need to consider your lot size and budget. Extra rooms could cut into your kitchen or living space and pull budget from other areas of the project, like fixtures and landscaping. Unless you need six bedrooms to accommodate a large family, try to keep the number around that of other homes in your neighborhood.


If you’re looking to build a custom home on the Big Island, contact the professionals at Carlson Homes in Hilo, HI. For over 23 years, this design-build company has assisted local homeowners with projects of all sizes from 1,000 to 10,000 square feet. Their skilled team will create a plan that’s tailored to your family’s needs, including the design, construction timeline, and landscaping. They also use high-quality products for every project to ensure that your home stands the test of time. Call (808) 933-3077 to speak with a specialist about your project or request a quote online.
