
If you own a cat, you probably know that they aren’t particularly fond of water. Given the origin of wild cats as desert animals, this may not be a surprise, but do they really hate life’s most basic necessity? Since your furry friends do need to consume water as part of a healthy lifestyle, consider a few tricks that cat kennels often employ when they want to encourage them to drink more.

The Relationship Between Cats & Water

Why Are Cats Slightly Averse to Water?

cat kennel North Pole, AKWild cats throughout history have shown distaste for water, largely because their exposure to it was so limited in the desert. Modern domestic cats are better acclimated to water, even though they’d rather not swim, bathe, or come in contact with it. Since cats use their tongues to clean themselves, they don’t necessarily need water for baths. Some cat breeds have fur that traps moisture, which makes it difficult for them to warm up when it’s cold outside. However, not all feline breeds dislike water, like Bengals and Turkish vans.

How Can You Encourage Cats to Drink?

Cats may enjoy drinking from the faucet, as the sight of clean, running water is very appealing to them. They’re less likely to approach a bowl of water, because they can’t be sure if it’s free of contaminants. When giving your cat a bowl of water, take a cue from a cat kennel: Pour water in a wide yet shallow bowl, so your cat can see there’s nothing lurking inside. Consider investing in a pet water fountain, which mimics the motion of a faucet and may help your cat drink more frequently.

What Are the Advantages of Water Acclimation?

Although cats do clean their own coats, it may be necessary to use water to eliminate strong odors or sticky substances. Some cats with flea allergies or ringworm may also need baths, if the veterinarian prescribes a shampoo treatment. Heavier or older cats that can’t move as well may also need occasional baths if they can’t self-clean properly. Certain breeds, like sphynxes, must take regular dips due to having oily skin. If you have trouble bathing your furry friend because they’re a bit uncooperative, ask a cat kennel professional—many have extensive experience in grooming felines.


The staff at Golden Heart Boarding & Grooming treats your cats and dogs like their own! That’s the beauty of this licensed pet boarding facility in North Pole, AK. They prioritize proper pet care and pay close attention to your furry friend’s unique needs throughout their stay. Offering everything from pet grooming to ample exercise space, they treat pets to a nurturing VIP experience. If you’re seeking a qualified cat kennel to care for your feline, you can put your trust in them. Visit the website for details, or give them a call at (907) 488-6866.
