
Enjoying a healthy diet, exercising, taking prenatal vitamins, seeing your gynecologist regularly, and attending birth classes are among the many components of a healthy pregnancy. If you are newly pregnant, you may be surprised to learn that dental care, including seeing your dentist, is just as essential. Learn what you should and shouldn’t do to maintain your oral health while you are expecting.


Tell your dentist the good news and make an appointment.

Let your dentist know you are pregnant and make an appointment during your second trimester. Most dentists prefer pregnant women to schedule appointments during this time because there is the least risk of fetal harm during X-rays. Women are also past morning sickness when they are in their second trimester, but they are likely not yet big enough to feel uncomfortable in the dentist’s chair.

Keep up with brushing and flossing.

Continue brushing your teeth for two minutes twice a day and flossing once daily to prevent pregnancy gingivitis and gum disease as well as tooth decay. Hormonal changes increase your risk of sensitive, bleeding, swollen gums.

Enjoy mouth-healthy foods.

Enjoy a balanced diet low in sugary and starchy foods and high in mouth-healthy options such as teeth-cleaning fruits and vegetables. Sufficient dairy intake will also supply calcium, which fortifies teeth against decay, neutralizes harmful acids, and helps your growing baby develop strong bones.



Forget to tell your dentist about supplements and medications.

Inform your dentist of all prenatal vitamins, medications, and other supplements you are taking. Your dental care plan may need to be adjusted to keep your mouth as healthy as possible during your pregnancy.

Brush your teeth immediately after morning sickness.

Never clean your teeth immediately after morning sickness; the acid content in vomit causes premature wear and sensitivity when brushed into your tooth enamel. Rinse your mouth with water after each round of morning sickness, and wait at least 20 minutes before cleaning your teeth. This gives saliva enough time to neutralize the acid.


If you are pregnant, schedule your next dentist appointment at Wheeler Family Dental. The locally owned practice provides residents throughout St. Louis County, MO, with a full suite of dental services, including pediatric, emergency, and cosmetic dentistry. Call (314) 576-3737 to schedule an appointment, and visit them online for more information about services for the whole family. Read the latest reviews on Facebook.
