
When the time is right, parents must talk to their daughters about menstruation. While these conversations can be uncomfortable for all involved, it’s crucial that your child knows what’s happening to her body. The following guide can help you broach this sensitive subject to provide your daughter with essential women’s health care information.

How to Talk to Your Daughter About Menstruation

1. Keep It Age Appropriate

While a majority of girls start menstruating around age 12, the first period can sometimes present as early as age 8. As a result, parents must use age-appropriate language when discussing the issue with their daughters. With very young girls, be sensitive when explaining biological concepts. Also, take steps to normalize the topic to prevent it from being too scary. No matter the age your child, let her know that menstruation is a normal part of being a woman.

2. Go Over Practical Concerns

Once your daughter knows why menstruation happens, follow up by discussing how to care for oneself when it occurs. Provide information on the different feminine hygiene options, such as pads and tampons. With tampons, make sure your daughter knows the proper procedure, as well as changing the tampon every eight hours. You can also discuss cramping and how it can be treated.

3. Discuss Possible Issues

health careSome young girls experience irregular or painful periods. Make sure your daughter understands what’s normal and what isn’t so she can receive treatment from a women’s health care professional if necessary. For instance, missed periods, severe cramping that doesn’t respond to over-the-counter medication, heavy bleeding, or a delayed onset could signal a potential problem. If your daughter experiences any of these symptoms, schedule an appointment with your family doctor right away.


Fairbanks Clinic is as invested in women’s health care as you are. That’s why they strive to support local parents and their daughters when it comes to menstruation and other delicate topics. Along with providing essential health care services, this clinic also offers important resources and information to ensure you can play an active role in your family’s health. Visit them online for more information on female health services, including gynecological exams, birth control, and management of women’s health conditions. You can also schedule an appointment in Fairbanks, AK, by calling (907) 452-1761 today.
