
Remodeling your bathroom is a good way to breathe new life into an older or less efficient space. There are several easy and cost-effective steps that you can take to refresh the space. Here are a few ways to have a plumber revamp the bathroom while sticking to your budget.

5 Budget-friendly Ways to Remodel the Bathroom

1. Add New Lighting

The right lighting can have a strong effect on the bathroom’s ambiance. Simply adding new ambient lighting illuminates the space more effectively. A remodeling professional can then elevate different areas by adding task lights around the mirror, for example. In larger bathrooms, you can even add accent lights if you want to make creative use of illumination as a design concept.

2. Go Eco-friendly

Hiring a plumber to install a few eco-friendly elements makes it easy for you to save money in the long run. Efficient toilets and showerheads can dramatically reduce your bills, as can light-emitting diode lighting and skylights, if you want to rely more on natural energy.  

3. Paint the Walls

Wisconsin Rapids, WI plumberPainting the bathroom walls is an easy way to instantly change the look of the room. Even if you do nothing else, this can make a strong impact on its appearance. In a small space, consider a lighter shade to lend the illusion of extra room. If you favor colors, consider blush, sky blue, or sage green, all of which lend a soothing element to the room and might be more appealing to buyers if you decide to sell the home.

4. Install Some Shelving

A little extra space is always welcome in the bathroom, particularly if it’s on the small side. You don’t need to maneuver a large piece of furniture in there when your contractor can easily install a few shelves on an empty wall. You can use these to hold your necessities or decorate it with knickknacks or a small plant.

5. Assess the Plumbing

While you’re making some changes, take the time to have a plumber inspect the pipes and drains. While problems here aren’t visible to the naked eye, they can cost you dearly in the future. By refreshing them during a minor remodeling project, you could spare yourself the hassle of dealing with emergency repairs later.


For dependable remodeling services throughout Wisconsin Rapids, Stevens Point, Wausau, and Marshfield, WI, turn to the professionals at Steve’s Plumbing & Heating. The qualified plumbers are available to assist you around-the-clock. In addition to bathroom remodeling and 24-hour service for emergency repairs, they can also handle all of your heating and cooling needs. Visit their website to find out more about working with their skilled renovators, or call (715) 421-1800 to speak with a friendly representative.
