
When you open your pantry and discover moths, you likely feel shocked and disgusted. Pantry moths generally come from an infested food product, like grains and seeds, hatching and taking over your cupboard. Fortunately, there are some steps you can take to clear your pantry of these unwelcome guests. Here are some basic pest control tips to eliminate pantry moths for good. 

How Can You Get Rid of Pantry Moths?

1. Find the Larvae

When eliminating pantry moths from the cupboard, it’s important to start with the larvae. Look through the food items and pull out any packages that have small worms. Put these packages in a plastic bag, tie the bag, and dispose of it in your outdoor garbage can. In more severe cases, you might have to throw away all of your pantry food and refill it once pest control services solve the issue. 

2. Clean the Shelves

pest controlOnce you have eliminated the source of the infestation, you will need to thoroughly clean the shelves. Take out any of the remaining food and throw out the shelf liners. Vacuum the shelves, pantry walls, and floor, and scrub every surface and corner with soap and hot water. Hot water and vinegar can also be effective. You should also scrub any canned food to eliminate any eggs that might be on the surface. 

3. Protect New Food

It’s generally best to leave the pantry empty for several days after you have cleaned it out. This way, you can spot any new larvae. In the meantime, keep new groceries either on the counter or in a cabinet far from the pantry. Doing so will prevent contamination of your new food, so you can safely store them in the pantry once you are sure the infestation is gone.


If you still have pantry moths or another type of critter after following these tips, the team at Acme Pest Control can eliminate the issue. Based in Concord, NC, these professionals have 70 years of experience ridding homes of termites, bugs, and rodents. From the moment they arrive at your house, this pest control team will asses the infestation, design a unique treatment plan for your home’s needs, and ensure the issue is completely taken care of. To view a full list of their services, visit them online today. You can also call (704) 786-4166 to schedule an inspection.
