
Assisted living communities are an excellent option for many seniors. They offer independence and organized activities, in addition to high-quality care. However, not every elder relative you have will feel ready to transition into a senior living facility. For instance, if your parents are resistant to moving into a retirement home, it can be difficult to discuss their options. The four tips below can help you start a healthy dialogue with your elderly parents.

4 Tips for Talking to Parents Who Are Apprehensive About Assisted Living

1. Start the Conversation Early

assisted livingSince your parent’s long-term plans can be an emotional topic, it’s best to start the conversation as early as possible. Rather than waiting to confront your parent when their needs become more severe, try to ask them early on what their thoughts are on assisted living while they are still in good health. When they have time to think about it without pressure, they will be less likely to feel overwhelmed.

2. Maintain Patience 

Your parents may not be receptive to moving to a senior living facility during every conversation, so try not to get angry when this happens. Be sure to ask questions and practice active listening when talking about their long-term plans. Ask why they are resistant to moving to a retirement community, and why they feel as though living at home is a better situation in comparison. When they feel understood, they may feel move comfortable opening up to you about their care wishes. 

3. Present All the Options

Some seniors may be hesitant to transition to a retirement community living if they fear losing independence, becoming inactive, or sacrificing privacy. If this is the case for your parent, you might have to show them that this is not reality for residents in these facilities. Organize tours for your parent, ensuring them that the visits are simply educational. When they see the residents enjoying a high quality of life, they might change their perspective. 

4. Speak Out of Concern

Make sure you rationally express your honest concern about any inadequacies you may feel about providing dependable, on-call medical care as they continue to age. Describe this hypothetical situation highlighting these concerns, like what would happen if they had a bad fall when you weren’t home. Let them know that because you are worried, you think it would be helpful to have caregivers present 24/7 in the event of an emergency. Over time, they may understand your concern. 


Looking for the right assisted living residence for your loved one? The compassionate staff at Beehive Homes of Kalispell ensures that every resident experiences the quality of life they deserve. Located in Kalispell, MT, the facility specializes in memory care, helping those with dementia and Alzheimer’s receive the care they need. With a 24-hour staff, nutritious meals, housekeeping, and laundry services, residents and families can enjoy having peace of mind. To learn more about this community, visit them online or call (406) 871-8667.


