
Whether you’re a home or business owner, winter storms are never convenient. Snow-covered and icy roads can put someone’s safety at risk, which is why it’s important to hire a professional snow removal service. If you’re wondering where the process of snow removal originated from, here’s a brief history to pique your interest. 

Horse-Drawn Plows

The mid-1800s saw the invention of the horse-drawn snowplow. It was designed to clear areas that saw high foot traffic, such as residential streets. While Milwaukee was the first city to implement this type of plow, it quickly spread through the northern region. However, during a major blizzard of 1888, some areas saw up to 50 inches of snow, which could not be cleared by plow-pulling horses. This pushed inventors to create a more efficient system of snow removal. 

Rotary Plow

snow removalAround the same period of time in Canada, the heavy snow led to the invention of the snowblower—or the rotary plow. This was because snow and ice interfered with railway transportation. J.W. Elliott, a dentist in Toronto, designed a machine with a rotary engine that would collect snow from the ground and funnel it away through a top opening. 

Modern Snowplows

After the introduction of automobiles during the industrial revolution, the snow removal system began to move closer to the modern-day machine. This is because it was unsafe for vehicles to drive along icy or snowy roads. In the 1920s, Hans and Even Overaasen and New Yorker Carl Frink developed designs for a car-mounted snowplow. A large shovel would be mounted to the front of the vehicle to scrape and scoop snow in its path. 


To keep your property safe from any winter-related accidents, turn to the team at Tom's Bobcat & Snowplowing in La Crosse, WI. With over 35 years in the industry, their team utilizes state-of-the-art heavy duty equipment and offers 24/7 snowplowing services for their customers’ convenience. They also provide landscaping and trucking and hauling services. Call (608) 785-1888 to schedule an appointment for snow removal. You can also visit them online for more information about their services. 
