
Without proper nourishment and care, the trees on your property will go into decline, requiring the help of a professional tree service to revitalize them. Unfortunately, many people don’t know how to take proper care of their trees, and they end up suffering from pest infestations, diseases, or overgrowth. Here are some do’s and don’ts to follow to keep your trees healthy and thriving.


Look out for pests and diseases.

Give your trees a once-over from time to time, and pay attention to signs of sickness or deterioration, such as weak, dead branches and dried up leaves. Keep an eye out for mold outbreaks or pest infestations in your area and take steps to protect your trees against them.  

Have them mulched.

Another essential tree care task, mulching ensures that roots have enough moisture in the soil. Applying a mulch layer of three to four inches thick is enough to slow down evaporation, maintain soil temperature, and preserve moisture on the ground. Avoid laying it too thick — doing so can bring on fungal growth, pest infestation, or root decay from too much moisture and insufficient oxygen.

Prune trees regularly.

Tree ServicePruning is an essential maintenance task that promotes growth and controls diseases or pest infestations. Most expert tree services recommend trimming when trees are in their dormant state to minimize sap bleeding. However, the right timing varies according to the species. When trimming, refrain from doing it too frequently and remember that making numerous large cuts can injure the tree.


Plant them too close together.

When planting trees, don’t place them close to each other. Keep them away from pavements, driveways, or anything solid that can disrupt their growth. Trees typically have extensive root systems that require ample space for healthy growth and secure anchoring.

Overwater them.

While moisture is necessary for trees to thrive, overwatering them can do more harm than good. Water them around the base and every couple of days during hot or dry weather. Ideally, watering them in the morning or after sunset reduces evaporation and allows the water to soak deep into the ground.

Clean up fallen trees.

When your trees need to be removed, it’s better to call for a professional tree service to have it done. Tree care specialists have the technical know-how and right equipment to safely remove toppled or sick trees.


For exceptional tree service, rely on the arborists at Liscombe Tree Service of St. Charles County, MO. Serving the community in and around the county, their team of specialists offers a full range of services — from trimming and pruning trees to stump grinding and complete removal. Call (314) 650-9055 for emergency tree service or view a gallery of their work online.
