
The weight of heavy snow and ice, as well as exposure to dry, frigid air hurts trees. That is why many homeowners should schedule tree removal after long, harsh winters. It’s essential to know how the snowy, icy, and dry winter conditions impact the vegetation around your home so that when spring arrives, you can appropriately care for the trees to restore their health. 

How Winter Conditions Affect Trees

1. Broken Branches

tree removalAlthough snow-covered trees might look pretty in your winter landscape, the weight of the snow should be a concern. When a lot of snow accumulates on branches, the limbs could snap. The weight could also uproot smaller plants, resulting in the need for tree removal once spring arrives. To prevent broken branches and uprooted trunks, use a broom to remove the slush before it accumulates and freezes. Pruning weak branches will also reduce the risk of winter damage. 

2. Frost Cracks

Alternating temperatures can cause deep, vertical cracks to appear on tree bark. When the temperature is lower than a tree’s tolerance, the bark freezes and contracts. When the temperature rises, the bark expands as it thaws, causing cracks to form. During subsequent freeze-thaw cycles, new cracks will appear in the same areas, making the original crevices longer and wider. Covering the bark in tree wraps will provide insulation, reducing the risk of frost cracks.        

3. Winter Burn

Although evergreen trees are dormant in winter, many metabolic functions remain active. There is less moisture in the air during winter, which means the plants don’t receive the water needed to remain healthy. The dryness, coupled with freezing temperatures and wind, can cause winter burn. This means the tree loses moisture faster than roots can replace it, causing the needles to turn brown. To prevent this problem, treat trees with anti-desiccant throughout winter. The protective coating will reduce water loss. 



If extreme winter weather in the Northeast has damaged trees on your property, reach out to the team at 4 Seasons Tree Service in Newburgh, NY, for help. They will provide tree removal and stump grinding to restore property safety and curb appeal. They also provide pruning, trimming, and additional services to keep the remaining vegetation healthy. To schedule tree removal, call (845) 565-8600. To read more about their tree services, visit their website.  
