
Bad breath happens to everyone. However, chronic bad breath, or halitosis, usually signals a lack of proper dental care. It can also indicate health issues such as diabetes and lung infections. Help your breath stay as fresh as possible with these tips, and talk to your dentist or doctor if you believe the issue is symptomatic of a deeper health problem.

Top 5 Dental Care Tips for Fresher, Healthier Breath

1. Drink Plenty of Water

Drink at least one gallon of water every day to maintain fresher breath and enjoy better overall health. Water cleanses the mouth of odorous bacteria while also promoting healthy saliva production. Saliva lubricates the mouth to prevent tooth decay and periodontal disease in addition to helping remove food particles. 

2. Keep Up With Oral Hygiene

dental careBrush your teeth for two minutes twice a day and floss once daily to keep decay-causing acids from building up. Mouth bacteria works with food particles to form acids and plaque. Scrape your tongue for an even cleaner mouth, and rinse with mouthwash to kill any lingering bacteria.

3. Consume Foods That Naturally Clean Teeth

Limit foods that mouth bacteria particularly love, such as sugary and starchy options. Swap them out for foods that clean teeth naturally, including celery, apples, leafy greens, and carrots. These foods scrape the teeth of bacteria and plaque to keep your mouth healthy and your breath fresh. Cheese also helps fight tooth decay and bad breath by neutralizing mouth acids.

4. Avoid Tobacco Use

Quit smoking cigarettes or chewing tobacco to enjoy fresher breath and better oral health. Tobacco dries out the mouth to make you more susceptible to bad breath in addition to increasing your risk of oral cancer and other health problems.

5. Schedule Teeth Cleanings Twice a Year

Schedule biannual teeth cleanings with your dentist to remove plaque as well as tartar. Tartar, or hardened plaque, forms under the gumline and causes gum recession without regular removal. It also contributes to periodontal disease. Your dentist will also make recommendations for combating bad breath, such as adding mouthwash to your oral hygiene regimen.


If you live in Anchorage, AK, work with Chinook Family Dentistry to maintain healthy teeth and gums—and fresher breath. The full-service facility provides dental care to patients of all ages, including general and cosmetic dentistry. Whether you need crowns, bridges, fillings, or dental X-rays, their team will help you carefully and efficiently. Call (907) 272-8422 today to schedule a teeth cleaning, and visit them online for more information on their services. Get additional dental care tips on Facebook.
