
If you consider chewing gum to be a type of candy, then you may think this treat is bad for your teeth. In reality, enjoying a stick of sugar-free gum can do wonders for your personal teeth cleaning abilities and overall oral health. To help you better protect your smile, here are five major reasons that sugar-free gum is worth chewing on.

5 Oral Health Benefits of Sugar-Free Gum

1. Supports Teeth Cleaning

While it’s no substitute for routine brushing and flossing, chewing gum can assist with daily teeth cleaning. Specifically, it can help pick up harmful plaque and food debris that would otherwise get stuck on teeth, increasing the risk for cavities and gingivitis.

2. Promotes Saliva Production

The act of repetitive chewing activates salivary glands so that you produce more saliva. In addition to preventing dry mouth, this extra saliva can also neutralize acids in the mouth—such as those caused by bacteria in plaque—to help protect against enamel wear.

3. Freshens Breath

teeth cleaningSugar-free gum often gums in minty flavors that can help promote fresher breath. Through increased saliva production, it can also remove oral bacteria that contribute to bad breath.

4. Rebuilds Teeth

In addition to teeth cleaning benefits, many sugar-free gums may help repair damage caused by acidic and bacterial activity. Xylitol—a sugar-free sweetener used in many gum products—is shown to remineralize enamel that has been worn away, which may help protect chewers from developing cavities.

5. Breaks Bad Habits

If you’re trying to quit smoking—a habit that can increase the risk for many oral health issues—swapping out your cigarettes for chewing gum can help. Any time you feel a craving, popping in a stick of gum can help you gradually train your brain away from the habit. Similarly, chewing gum can be a good alternative for those who are trying to cut down on sweet snacks—including those that can increase cavity risk.


Although chewing gum can do wonders for your oral health, it’s also important to check in with a dentist every six months to ensure your smile is healthy. Fortunately, if you live in Eagle River, AK, getting this regular care is easy when you have Legacy Dental Arts by your side. Equipped with state-of-the-art technology, this local practice makes dental care as seamless and stress-free as possible. In addition to providing comfortable teeth cleanings to prevent issues, this team is also qualified to treat common dental health issues—including cavities, root canals, and gum disease. To learn more about these services, visit this dentistry provider online. For appointments, call a friendly staff member at (907) 622-7874.
