
You depend on your well to provide you with a fresh supply of water every day. Under normal circumstances, the flow is crisp, clean, and pure. But if the water becomes contaminated, you need to be aware of the signs of a problem so you don’t accidentally ingest it. Here are three indications that your water well is producing a polluted supply.

How to Tell if Your Well Water Is Contaminated

1. Strange Color

When the water suddenly transforms from its normal clear hue, there’s likely a problem that requires the immediate assistance of a water well service. Cloudiness may indicate an increase in organic and inorganic particles in the water, while a yellow tinge could allude to iron bacteria buildup. If the water is blue or green, the pipes may be corroding. When it appears brown or red, that’s typically a sign of manganese or iron in the water.

2. Potent Odor

Roaring Branch, PA water wellIt can be quite alarming if your water well suddenly produces an odorous supply reminiscent of rotten eggs or sulfur. The problem could be due to hydrogen sulfide contaminating the groundwater. If you detect a fishy smell, the issue might be due to an abundance of decaying algae. Your water well service technician can determine the appropriate treatment.

3. Unusual Taste

A bad taste could develop for a number of different reasons. A metallic flavor, for example, is suggestive of elevated manganese and iron levels. Decaying flora can also cause the water to develop a strong taste and odor. The water may even take on an earthy, dirty taste, which is often due to the soil that water filtrates through before it reaches the water well. All of these issues can be resolved with specialized water treatments.


It’s important to be aware of the many signs that could indicate an issue with your water supply. If you discover any type of change, get in touch with the water well specialists at Kuser Well Drilling in Roaring Branch, PA. Serving the area since 1968, the team provides a wide range of water well services ranging from drilling to repairs. You can trust them for all of your water purification needs. Visit the website for information, or call (570) 673-8189.
