
When you have a toothache, it’s hard to concentrate on anything else. You want your dentist to determine the source of the pain and take care of the issue as quickly as possible. Here are five common reasons you might be experiencing tooth pain.

Problems That Cause Toothaches

1. Tooth Decay

The most common reason for a toothache is that the outer surface of the tooth has decayed, exposing the sensitive dentin layer. Tooth decay is caused by plaque that thrives on the food particles in your mouth, giving off an acid that erodes the tooth enamel. As decay spreads toward the center of the tooth, the affected area may be very sensitive to heat and cold, and the pain can become severe.

2. Impacted Tooth

dentistWhen a tooth can’t break through the gums because other teeth are in the way, it is said to be impacted. Wisdom teeth are the most common teeth to become impacted because they are typically the last to emerge, and by then there may not be enough room in the mouth for them. To relieve the pain and pressure of impaction, your family dentist may decide the tooth needs to be extracted.

3. Dental Abscess

When decay progresses to the inner part of the tooth, the pulp chamber and root can become infected. As the infection begins to drain out of the tooth root, tremendous pressure can build up, causing a throbbing pain throughout the surrounding tissue. Because the pain of an abscess tends to spread, your dentistry practice may need to take X-rays to determine which tooth is abscessed.

4. Fractured Tooth

Teeth that have become chipped or cracked due to decay or injury can become extremely sensitive if the damage extends to the nerve endings. You may notice pain and pressure when chewing, or the fractured tooth might be irritated by hot, cold, sweet, or sour foods. Depending on the type of chips or cracks you have, you might need a dental treatment such as bonding or crowns.

5. Sinus Problems

The pain in your teeth may not be a dental issue at all, but rather, a symptom of sinus trouble. When sinus cavities become congested or infected, pressure builds up and can cause adjacent teeth to feel sensitive and sore. If your dentist thinks sinus problems are causing your toothache, he or she may prescribe an antibiotic to clear up any infection, or recommend a decongestant to alleviate pressure.


David A. Dauphin DMD in Dothan, AL, provides a wide range of cosmetic and general dentistry services for patients of all ages. Dr. Dauphin and his compassionate team believe a visit to the dentist should be a pleasant, stress-free experience. Call (334) 794-3727 to schedule an appointment, or visit their website to learn more about the practice.
