
Because of their subterranean location, basements are difficult to keep free of moisture—and subsequent mold and mildew. While you can purchase dehumidifiers to keep basement air dry, waterproofing provides the long-term results you need. However, numerous myths surround basement waterproofing, which may put you off the service. Below are the most common myths that need to be debunked.

4 Basement Waterproofing Myths You Need to Know About

1. Basements Still Leak Post-Waterproofing

When done correctly, basement waterproofing keeps water and moisture out of your basement to eliminate the many issues connected with leaks. The only time it does not work is when it is performed by inexperienced contractors who do not know how to apply the product. As long as you do your research and choose a reliable company, you will not have to worry about leaks.

2. Black Tar Applications Are Sufficient

While black tar and waterproof paint applications on the inside and outside of your foundation can help reduce water vapor, they are not viable alternatives to basement waterproofing. Quality waterproofing systems combine multiple tactics, including water diversion, to prevent moisture from entering the basement.

3. Sump Pumps Eliminate the Need for Basement Waterproofing

basement waterproofingSump pumps turn on as soon as they come in contact with water to direct the liquid away from your home. Your home needs both because while waterproofing seals out moisture, it cannot help if a pipe bursts. A sump pump will remove large amounts of water that enter the basement while waterproofing will prevent additional moisture from entering the area.

4. It’s Expensive

The cost depends on factors such as square footage. However, if you work with a reliable company, you will not have to worry about paying more than you should. Additionally, basement waterproofing is an investment that saves you from expensive repairs, replacements, and remediation in the future, so most homeowners find it is worth the expense. Additionally, it may lower your home insurance rates.


If you need reliable basement waterproofing for your home, look no further than Jaco Waterproofing. Renowned as a leading basement and foundation repair contractor in the Cincinnati and Indianapolis areas as well as Northern Kentucky with over 40 years in business, they specialize in both residential and commercial waterproofing and repair. To have a professional technician evaluate your specific challenges, call today at (317) 721-9379 for Indianapolis or (513) 738-0084 to reach their Cincinnati and Dayton, OH, location. Visit their website for more information and get additional tips on Facebook.
