
Your home’s air exchanger works a lot like the bathroom’s exhaust fan—it removes stale indoor air and replaces it with fresh air, eliminating odors, regulating humidity, and depressurizing your living space. For all these benefits, it’s crucial to take care of this essential appliance. To safeguard your home’s indoor air quality, use the following checklist to maintain your air exchanger.

How to Clean Your Air Exchanger

1. Clean the Air Intake Screen

Before you perform any maintenance on your air exchanger, unplug the electrical cable connected to it to prevent shock or electrocution. Once the power is off, use a vacuum to clean the air intake screen. This piece is located along the exterior wall of the unit, concealing the vent opening. Over time, it can become clogged with dirt and debris floating in the air it sucks in, but a vacuum should easily remove the buildup.

2. Wash the Filters

air exchangerYour air exchanger also contains multiple washable filters for collecting dust and other allergens in your breathing supply. You can remove the core filter and pre-filters by sliding them out, and then set them aside while you fill a tub or sink with warm water. Add soap to the water, and submerge and shake the filters to remove all of the buildup. You might have to replace the water and repeat this several times until the filters are clear.

3. Finish Up

While the filters are set aside to dry, clean the inside of the air exchanger with a rag, soap, and hot water. Once the core filter and pre-filters are no longer damp, re-install them by sliding them back into the air exchanger. To finish up, latch the door to the unit and plug the cable back in.


If you have any issues with your air exchanger maintenance routine, get in touch with Blue Ox Heating & Air in Minneapolis, MO. This trusted HVAC contractor offers a wide range of services to customers throughout the Twin Cities metro area, including the installation, repair, and replacement of furnaces and air conditioners. They also supply air purifiers and thermostats to complete your heating and cooling system. For more information on air exchanger upkeep, call their team at (612) 326-3837, and visit their website to learn more about their services.
