
Without eye-catching signs, it could be difficult for potential customers to find your business location. From the background color to the font chosen, the design elements on signage can provide insight into your brand’s identity. If your business has deep roots in the community, for example, consider creating a vintage-inspired sign. The worn look will help consumers connect your business with a rich history. Signs that remind people of yesteryear are also quaint, so consider the style if you want to set a casual tone in an independent, small shop, such as a restaurant, salon, or boutique.

How to Make Vintage-Inspired Signs Visually Interesting

Choose A Worn Backdrop

Before choosing text and logos to place on the sign, the first design element to think about is the backdrop texture. As old signs lose their pristine appearance with age, choose a distressed look for your display. From splintered wood to scratched tin and flaking plaster, design programs have a wide range of vintage-themed options available.  

Select a Muted Color Scheme

Cincinnati-Ohio-signsThe dyes on signs often become duller with age, too, so keep this in mind when choosing colors. If you use certain colors in the company logo or advertising materials, incorporate the shades in the design. You can add hints of yellow or cyan to the hues to make them appear less saturated and pale. 

Pick Old-Fashioned Fonts

To give the sign a whimsical quality, choose one or two different fonts for the text. Different styles reflect different eras in design, so remember this when making choices. The Motherline font, for example, resembles cursive handwriting. You can use this typeface if you want the sign to appear made before the age of computers. The Rolla font also elicits thoughts of a bygone era and has the appearance of a raised surface to make the messaging standout. 


If you need help creating vintage-inspired signs, the staff at Creative Blast Company in Cincinnati, OH, is eager to provide advice and introduce you to a world of possibilities. People throughout Hamilton County and the surrounding areas reach out to the team to design, manufacture, and install striking, high-quality business signs to promote their services. To discuss your project, call (513) 251-4177. To get a sense of the team’s abilities, visit the sign company online to see photos of completed work.  
