
Electricity is a necessity for most aspects of everyday living. Unfortunately, problems can arise at any time, and if the electrical repairs are not completed, your property can be subject to anything from degraded electronics to electrical fires. For a better understanding of potential hazards, learn about a few common residential electrical problems. 

3 Everyday Household Electrical Repair Needs

1. Circuit Breaker Constantly Trips

Circuit breakers are the systems that monitor circuits flowing through areas of the home. If too many high-powered electronics or appliances are plugged into the same circuit, the breaker will cut off or “trip” to prevent an overload. If your breaker frequently trips, that means it’s doing its job. However, it also means you may need to reduce electrical usage on that circuit or switch to lower power settings when possible.

2. Electrical Surges

electrical repairsA sudden rush of electricity can occur from faulty electrical wiring, lightning strikes, or damaged power lines. These surges may not seem like a significant issue because they tend to last for less than a second, but they can severely damage or destroy electronics plugged into outlets by causing overheating, fires, or erosion of electrical components. If you notice frequent surges in electricity, it is likely from either the home’s electrical grid or a faulty appliance.

3. Light Bulbs Burning Out

If you frequently change light bulbs in your home because they burn out too quickly, your solution can be as simple as switching to higher quality bulbs with a lower wattage. However, if the problem persists with the upgraded bulbs, then you may have a bigger issue on your hands, such as a faulty light fixture or bad wiring on the circuit. 


If you need electrical repair for your home, count on the professionals at Always On Electric for a solution. Serving residential and commercial clients throughout the Big Island of Hawaii, this licensed electrician provides a wide selection of services, including home wiring for alarm systems, electrical inspections, installations, and maintenance. They also offer 24/7 emergency electrical services. Call (808) 965-1596 or (808) 640-3391 to schedule an appointment, or visit their website for more details about their services.
