
It’s not unusual to experience the unfortunate side effects of colder, drier air during the winter. Those symptoms are often exacerbated by the constant indoor heat produced by furnaces and space heaters. One of the easiest ways to seek relief and resolve some of the discomfort is to use a humidifier. Here are a few benefits of this product.

What Are the Advantages of Using a Humidifier?

1. Relieve Allergic Symptoms

A humidifier is designed to introduce more moisture into the air. This helps lubricate areas like your nose and mouth. Setting it to an appropriate level that isn’t too high is key, as this allows just enough moisture to permeate the air without forcing dust mites and particles to spread. With regular use, you may notice a reduction in your indoor symptoms, including congestion and headaches.

2. Alleviate Dehydrated Skin

Do you notice that your lips and skin feel drier in the winter? It’s not your imagination. Treated indoor air from the furnace is just enough to dry out the skin, leading to chapped, itchy, and cracked areas. After a heavy-duty moisturizer, your next best line of defense is a humidifier. As it adds more moisture into your living space, your skin and lips will slowly regain their natural texture.

3. Minimize Frequent Snoring

furnaceFor those who already snore, the issue may grow worse when the air is dry. The reason is largely due to the lack of moisture, which causes natural congestion in the nose and may even make the throat swell up a little. That combination is just enough to restrict normal air movements through the nose. As a result, snorers breathe in through their mouths. Turning on a humidifier raises the humidity levels just enough to reduce those physical symptoms that aggravate snoring.

4. Improve Indoor Comfort

While many people depend on the furnace for all of their heating needs during the winter, it’s not the only tool that can do the job. As humidity levels increase, the air starts to feel warmer and more comfortable. In turn, you can lower the HVAC temperature just a bit and enjoy some savings on your utility bills.


The experts at Absolute Comfort Heating and Air Conditioning take your comfort seriously. Based in Lincoln, NE, they’re committed to ensuring that your air conditioner and furnace work properly year round. Since 1996, they’ve offered everything from heating and air conditioning repairs and maintenance to installation. Visit the website for more about these services or call (402) 430-3959 to schedule an appointment.
