
Whether it’s a speeding ticket or a fender bender, traffic infractions of all kinds become part of your driving record. Some, like driving under the influence, result in swift consequences, from immediate loss of your license to jail time. Others, like moving violations, simply stack up over time—but that doesn’t mean they don’t take a toll. Find out how they impact your insurance premiums and why it’s worth getting a traffic lawyer for even seemingly minor infractions.

Why Do Insurers Care About Points?

traffic lawyerIn most states, the Department of Motor Vehicles uses a point system to record tickets and moving violations. In Ohio, for example, going more than 10 miles per hour over the speed limit in a 55 mph zone will earn you two points for speeding. If you’re caught going 65 in a 55, however, you will get a ticket, but no points. 

Insurers use your past actions on the road to predict how you will behave in the future. Your record indicates how much of a threat you pose to them from a business perspective, and thus helps determine how they calculate auto insurance rates. A “high-risk” driver will face higher premiums.

Can You Lose Driving Privileges?

With enough infractions, insurers will hike up their rates so high that you may be unable to afford them. Rack up enough points and not only will your premiums skyrocket, but you could face consequences from the DMV. These could range from defensive driving courses to a license suspension. 

Since every point counts, it’s always smart to enlist the help of a traffic lawyer when facing charges. Say you are caught going 66 in a 55 mph zone in Ohio, for example. If you have no previous infractions, you may be able to avoid piling on two points added to your record because you’re barely over the 10-plus limit.


For an experienced traffic lawyer in Hamilton, OH, put your trust in the Michael A. Newland Law Office. With over 25 years in the business, this attorney believes that every person deserves top-quality legal services at affordable rates. He will fight for your rights, whether you need a criminal attorney or a DUI lawyer. Find out about his practice areas on his website and call (513) 887-9595 to schedule a meeting with the traffic lawyer.
