
Depending on where you live, sourcing water from the local municipality might not be the best option. In this case, call a well installation company to have a private water system placed on your property. As equipment is relatively easy to maintain, the investment could boost your home value if you ever decide to sell. If you’re not sure whether to schedule an installation, here are a few advantages to owning a private well.  

3 Ways You’ll Benefit From a Residential Well Installation

1. Avoid Restrictions on Water Usage

When you rely on city services, you can’t control whether water makes it from the treatment facility to your home. Broken mains, corroded pipes, and additional issues could leave your family without running water for hours or longer. Owning a private well eliminates these risks. As it’s the responsibility of the owner to have the well regularly inspected and maintained, you’re guaranteed to always have a reliable water delivery system.  

2. Reduce Risk of Contamination 

well installation and repairFrom temperature fluctuations to pipe age, there are several factors that influence the quality of city water. Many residents receive boil advisory notices when coliform bacteria and viruses enter the supply. Similar to maintenance, it’s also the responsibility of a private well owner to have the water routinely tested. If contaminants are found, a specialist can clean and disinfect equipment before impurities make your family sick. Well water often contains vitamins and minerals that will also keep your household healthy.  

3. Eliminate High Water Bills

From taking long showers to doing laundry every day, there are several ways families consume a lot of water. With municipal services, high water consumption causes a spike in monthly utility costs. Having a residential well eliminates water bills, which will help your family save money in the long run.    


If you want to take advantage of the benefits that owning a residential water well provides, reach out to Powell Plumbing & Pumps. Based in Wisconsin Rapids, WI, the well installation and repair technicians bring over 30 years of hands-on experience to every project. Apart from securing permits and outfitting your property with a well, you can also trust the team to install your septic system and ensure it works correctly. To schedule a well installation in Wood County, call (715) 325-2050. You can also visit the licensed and insured plumbing contractors online to request an appointment.
