
As any heating contractor will tell you, your furnace and air conditioner are likely the largest energy consumers in your house and contribute to the lion's share of your utility costs. However, you can employ some simple yet effective methods to lower your heating bills this winter. These help you cut costs, lower your energy consumption, and remain comfortable indoors.

5 Ways to Reduce Your Winter Heating Costs

1. Bundle Up

Heating contractorInstead of dressing for warmer weather, throw on an extra layer or two and turn down the thermostat. An extra sweater and woolly socks are often enough to stay comfortable, even if the indoor temperature is set at 68 instead of 70. The more layers you wear, the more you can save.

2. Weatherstrip Your Doors

Much of a home's heat loss occurs around the gaps of a door that doesn't fit tightly. Add weatherstripping to your exterior doors to prevent drafts and reduce your furnace usage. It's easy enough to apply without the aid of a heating contractor, and it's a surprisingly effective method to keep your home more comfortable.

3. Caulk the Windows

Another major cause of drafts is leaky windows. If you cannot afford to replace your old, inefficient windows with double-pane replacements, you can at least seal up the gaps around them with window caulking. It's easy to do, and it's available at any home improvement or hardware store.

4. Install a Programmable Thermostat

Replace your old, analog thermostat with a digital model. These you can program in advance to adjust the temperature of your house automatically. Set it to reduce temps by ten degrees or more while you are at work or sleeping and return them to more comfortable levels just before you return home at night or wake up in the morning.

5. Schedule Yearly Tune-Ups

Any qualified HVAC contractor will be happy to visit your home and inspect your furnace. They'll change the filter, oil the motor, clean the blower, and replace any fraying belts. This helps the system operate more efficiently, burn less fuel, and save you money over the course of the winter.


For an HVAC tune-up to help lower your heating bills, contact Ogeechee Heating & Air, a residential and commercial heating contractor in Hagan, GA. They've been in business for more than a decade, serving homeowners and businesses in and around Evans County. They also specialize in A/C and furnace repair and installation. Visit the heating contractor’s website to see if you are in their service area or call (912) 764-8173 to schedule service.
