
When you’re experiencing symptoms of a cold or seasonal allergies, you want to find relief. But finding the right treatment depends on knowing which condition you’re relieving. With some overlap in symptoms, how do you tell the difference? Here’s how to tell.

When Are Colds & Allergies Most Likely to Hit?

Although colds can happen at any time, they’re more likely to hit during the winter months. Most people with seasonal allergies experience their worst symptoms in the spring when vegetation is in bloom and again in fall when damp weather promotes mold growth. You can expect allergies to last as long as your allergen is in season. This could mean one to several weeks of symptoms.

Colds, on the other hand, should only last a few days, with symptoms getting progressively better each day. 

Which Symptoms Are Different Between Colds & Seasonal Allergies?

Both colds and allergies can bring sneezing, congestion, a sore throat, and coughing that’s exacerbated by post-nasal drip and throat irritation. During a cold, you may also experience muscle aches, neck pain, and a general aching throughout the body. Some cold viruses are also accompanied by a fever. These symptoms can be treated with an over-the-counter cold relief medication that includes a pain reliever and fever reducer like acetaminophen.

seasonal allergiesSeasonal allergies, on the other hand, often come with itchy eyes and can be accompanied by a rash or itchy skin. The itchy, watery eyes that come with seasonal allergies are caused by exposure to allergens in the air, and you may get fast relief by washing your face a few times a day, or gently wiping it with a damp cloth. Over-the-counter eye drops can also provide fast-acting relief. If eye irritation persists, talk to an eye doctor. For seasonal allergies that make regular activity a challenge, an allergist can help you find relief from daily symptoms.


St. Louis Allergy Relief Center in Chesterfield, MO, will help you and your family get relief from food and seasonal allergies. With holistic treatments and needle-free testing, you can expect a stress-free appointment and natural allergy relief that will allow you to breathe easier. Treatments are effective on tough allergies but safe and gentle enough for infants and seniors. To schedule your appointment, call (314) 384-9304, and send a message online today.
