
Modern septic systems dispose of waste and replenish groundwater around homes, without us ever having to think about it. However, our septic tanks and systems aren’t invincible. The following three materials can cause damage when they’re flushed or poured down the drain, creating the need for expensive plumbing septic tank repairs. To save yourself time, money, and the inconvenience, dispose of the following materials in other ways.

3 Items That Can Create Problems for Your Septic Tank 

1. Grease & Oil

It may seem that no harm could come of pouring the liquid grease from your frying pan down the kitchen sink; the problem is that grease doesn’t stay in liquid form. As it cools, it solidifies, creating a clog that traps other substances and makes the problem worse. Instead of using the drain, pour cooking grease into an old jar and throw it away with the rest of your garbage.

2. Pills & Chemicals

septic systemThere was a time when people thought that flushing old pills was perfectly safe, but now we know better. Pills dissolve into the water system over time. The chemicals inside them infect the groundwater around your home, as well as any nearby lakes and rivers. Instead of flushing them, look for a take-back program where you can drop old medications off.

3. Sanitary Products

Items like tampons, dental floss, and even so-called “flushable” wipes can cause problems in pipes. Instead of disintegrating like toilet paper, they combine to create large masses. Tampons are especially problematic. Since they’re designed to swell up when they come in contact with moisture, they have an increased likelihood of creating obstructions. These items should always be thrown in the trash rather than flushed.


If you’re seeking a septic service to perform inspections and maintenance for your septic system, contact Holmen Pumping Service in Wisconsin. With over 30 years of experience serving La Crosse, Trempealeau, Jackson, Vernon and Monroe Counties, their expert team can quickly and efficiently perform tasks ranging from drain cleaning to septic tank pumping for homes and businesses, grease trap servicing, car wash pit cleaning, and hydro-jetting. Learn more about their services today by visiting them online or calling (608) 526-3865.
