
5 million Americans get teeth knocked out every year due to accidents or injuries, and thousands more are removed due to decay, gum disease, or infections. Missing teeth can cause difficulties with talking and eating, which can make you not feel like yourself. If this sounds like you, talk to your dentist about dental implants

A Basic Guide to Dental Implants 

What Are They?

Dental implants are artificial tooth roots. They bond with the bones in your jaw and help support artificial teeth. You can have one or more inserted, depending on how many teeth are missing. If you have a full arch of missing teeth, are concerned about jaw deterioration, or simply don’t want to deal with the daily hassle of dentures, dental implants are a convenient choice.

How Do They Benefit Your Smile?

dental implants Dental implants are a natural-feeling, long-term solution compared to traditional dentures. You can floss and brush them just like normal teeth. If you visit your dentist regularly and take good care of them, dental implants can last for decades. In contrast, dentures have to be replaced every 5-10 years, which can be expensive. Implants also don’t require the removal of nearby teeth, as dental bridges do, which means you retain more of your natural smile.

What Should You Expect? 

If you’re sold on dental implants, visit the dentist. They will take detailed X-rays to determine if you’re a suitable candidate. They will also check if you need any other procedures done, such as tooth extractions or fillings. For example, if your jaw bone has deteriorated, you may need bone grafting. Once this process is complete, you can schedule the implant placement with your dentist.


Smile brighter with help from the professionals at Dr. Mark S. Ehrhardt, DDS in Brighton, CO. Having perfected the art of smiles, they specialize in solutions that improve your dental health and satisfaction with your appearance. From routine cleanings and dental implants to veneers and teeth whitening, their compassionate and dedicated team works with you every step of the way. Learn more about their services online or call (303) 659-1825 to schedule an appointment.
