
While getting a driver’s license for the first time is exciting for teens, it’s far more stressful for parents. One area of concern is adding a new driver to your car insurance policy, which is a must to ensure the proper protections are in place. Below are a few ways to protect your new driver.

What Should I Do When Adding a New Driver to Existing Car Insurance?

1. Contact Your Insurance Agent

car insuranceWhile your teen won’t need to be insured until they receive a license, it’s best to contact your insurance company as soon as they earn their learner’s permit. Each agency will have different standards and regulations in place, and you want to rest assured they you’re fully compliant. Once the license has been received, you’ll need to decide between adding the new driver to your existing policy or purchasing a new one.

2. Read Up on Local Laws

Kentucky has laws in place regarding teen drivers. For instance, new drivers are restricted from driving at night, and the number of passengers that can be transported is limited. You want to be informed of these rules before your child sets out since they could face penalties for noncompliance. Also, don’t be shy about imposing your own rules and regulations to protect your new driver. Safe driving can lower insurance premiums over time, so it’s worth enforcing.

3. Expand Your Coverage

If you have standard insurance coverage, now may be time for an upgrade. Comprehensive coverage will offer protection for non-collision damage, such as colliding with a parking barrier or tree. You may also want to increase coverage limitations until your child is more skilled behind the wheel. Keep in mind that a multi-car collision can become expensive quickly, and any expense that exceeds coverage limits will be your responsibility to pay.


For more than four decades, Cundiff & Company has helped parents protect their teens by offering reliable car insurance. Your agent will work with you to determine the best coverage limit for your needs, as well as recommending supplemental coverage for enhanced protection. They also offer a wide range of other insurance products, including coverage for the home, as well as protection of motorcycles and trucks. If you’d like to speak with an insurance agent in Somerset, KY, call (606) 679-8379. You can also learn more about auto insurance by visiting the website.
