
From your smartphone to your work computer, chances are you spend several hours a day looking at a screen. As with most things, screen time in moderation is relatively harmless, but can extended screen time cause eye problems? As reliance on digital devices become more and more prevalent in work and leisure, the issue is worth a closer look. Here’s what you need to know. 

Can Digital Devices Damage Eyes?

Digital devices themselves don’t harm your eyes, and the radiation they give off is very low-level. Unlike direct exposure to the sun or X-ray machines, for instance, staring at a screen will not increase your risk of issues such as cataracts. However, looking at screens for long periods can cause eyestrain due to the fixed positioning of the eyes as well as the blue light that emanates from devices. Eyestrain, also known as Computer Vision Syndrome, may result in symptoms such as dry eyes, fatigue, headaches, and serious discomfort. The severity of these symptoms typically increases along with the amount of screen time.

How Can You Prevent Eyestrain?

You don’t have to give up technology to prevent eyestrain. Here are three ways to reduce the risk of eye problems. 

  • eyeproblemsTake Breaks: Take frequent breaks to rest your eyes. Staring at a screen for prolonged periods can limit eye movement and flexibility, diminishing your ability to focus. Every 20 minutes, divert your eyes from the screen and look at an object 20 feet away for at least 20 seconds. This is known as the 20/20/20 rule. For your overall well-being, it’s also a good idea to take a break to stretch or walk every hour or so. 
  • Adjust Your Workspace: An ergonomic workstation can improve health and productivity, including reducing eyestrain. Keep your keyboard at arm’s length and keep your screen at least 16 inches away from your eyes. Dim the brightness to reduce the amount of blue light exposure. 
  • Invest in Eyecare: Anti-glare glasses can help reduce discomfort and protect your eyes. Computer glasses, which block glare and blue light, are even better. Ask your eye doctor about specialized eyewear if you experience digital eyestrain. 


If you’re experiencing eye problems, whether from digital devices or other factors, consult with the eye care team at Progressive Vision Group PA. This High Point, NC, optometrist is one of the community’s most trusted eye care centers, offering a range of services, including eye exams, vision tests, and prescription glasses and contacts. Call (336) 841-2028 to schedule an appointment. Visit the website to learn more about how they can help you see more clearly. 
