
Your teeth and gums need to last you a lifetime. The foods you eat, along with regular trips to the dentist and good oral hygiene at home can help keep your teeth strong, healthy, and beautiful. You can even kick your day off with these delicious breakfast foods that are also good for your dental health.  

4 Dentist-Approved Breakfast Foods

1. Eggs

Eggs cooked in any way are good for your teeth, especially when you include the yolks. This part of the egg is packed with vitamin D, which is essential to helping your body absorb calcium. An omelet with cheese and a leafy green vegetable like spinach (which contains vitamin C) is the perfect healthy combination to start your day.  

2. Yogurt & Cheese

dentistYour teeth need the calcium from cheese and yogurt as much as your bones do. Yogurt’s phosphates also strengthen teeth, and the probiotic properties can reduce acid production. When your body over-produces acid, this can wear away at the enamel on your teeth. Throw some chopped nuts on top for texture and to clean your teeth and promote saliva production.

3. Crunchy Fruits

An apple a day will make your doctor and your dentist happy. The fiber in an apple’s skin is good for your digestive system, and it helps keep your teeth clean. The crunch is like a toothbrush, gently ridding your teeth of plaque buildup. Limit citrus fruits, as the acid can wear away tooth enamel.  

4. Whole Grains

Refined carbohydrates aren’t good for your body or your teeth, but whole grains from homemade steel cut oatmeal or quinoa are filling and healthier choices. Bacteria will not grow as quickly in your mouth from whole grains, and they reduce inflammation that’s associated with gum disease.


Nizich Family Dental in Juneau, AK, is a family dentist that provides top-notch care for patients of all ages. Since 2007, they’ve been serving the community with an array of quality dental services like cleanings, dental implants, and teeth whitening. They use the latest in diagnostic and treatment technology to ensure your teeth and gums are healthy and beautiful. Call (907) 789-7001 or contact the office online to schedule your appointment.
