
Ugly, cracked, or defective windows detract from the appearance and energy efficiency of a home or business. Business owners and homeowners have two options when it comes to dealing with these issues: repair or replacement. Deciding between replacement windows and repair is a simple issue if you know what to look for.

When Repair Will Suffice

Windows that have minor cosmetic issues are obvious candidates for simple repairs. You can sand and repaint cracked or pealing frames that detract from the appearance of your property. Similarly, broken or loose window hardware can usually be fixed with basic repairs. Lastly, if your windows are dirty or dingy, these can be remedied with a basic window washing service.

When Replacement Windows Are Needed

replacement windowsReplacement windows are reserved for more obvious damage. Windows that are cracked or broken will need to be replaced. Window units that have warped frames or that don’t open or close correctly are also candidates for replacement. If you notice condensation building up between your window panes, it means you don’t have a secure window fit and need new windows.

Additionally, if you notice the existing windows are drafty or only contain one pane, replacing them is a cost-effective way to save money. When windows lack proper insulation or don’t seal correctly, it forces a property’s HVAC system to work harder to control internal temperatures. Through the overall lower cost of utilities, replacement windows can pay for themselves. 


If you have issues with your windows, repairing or replacing them as needed can give your home or business the boost it needs to breathe new life into your property. The window contractors at Superior Products in Cincinnati, OH, are trained to quickly identify your window issue and offer repair or replacement as needed. If you need window replacement or repairs, call their team at (513) 231-1168 or visit them online to learn more about their window, roof, and siding installation services.
