
You can protect the investment of a new home by maintaining its roof. The roof protects a house and its inhabitants from the weather, pests, and falling debris, and they generally last between 20 and 50 years, depending on the material used, before they need a replacement. However, there are many ways homeowners can maintain the integrity of their roofing system to prevent interior damage and an early replacement.

3 Ways to Maintain Your Roof

1. Routine Inspections

Create calendar reminders so that you complete a visual inspection from the ground of your roof every season. Look for warped or missing shingles, loose gutters, exposed fasteners, and damaged flashing. Your examination should include a check of your attic space for signs of water stains on the walls or ceiling. If you spot signs of damage, contact a roofing contractor, who can identify and complete repairs efficiently and safely. 

2. Keep the Gutters Clear

roofYour gutters should be cleaned every fall and spring to remove fallen leaves and tree limbs, which can pile up and clog the drainage system that protects your roof and foundation. Left unchecked, water can back up and pool on the roof, causing such components as the fascia to rot. A professional home improvement company can be hired to perform this task safely.

3. Trim Your Trees

Most storm damage to roofs is caused by fallen trees or broken branches that dislodge shingles and gutters or puncture the roof deck. Hire a professional to trim tree limbs away from the roofline of your home to decrease your risk of repairs after a storm. 


Homeowners in Goodhue County, MN, can get help with their roof maintenance and repairs at Chandler Roofing & Construction. For over 50 years, their home improvement specialists have helped businesses and homeowners with services related to siding, gutters, and roofs. They can also assist with fire and water damage remediation if necessary. Call (651) 388-9415 or visit their website to learn more about their services.
