
Trees add significant beauty to your outdoor space, but they can also pose a threat to your property if they are unhealthy. There are several signs that indicate a tree may be at risk of falling or spreading its disease to neighboring plants. Once you recognize these red flags, you can contact a tree service to take the appropriate measures to safeguard your landscape. Here’s what you should know.

How to Tell If Your Tree Is Unhealthy

1. It Leans Too Far

Not all trees grow tall and straight. Some lean naturally, which is not something to worry about unless it’s struck by a force that weakens its integrity. But if a tree that is normally straight starts to trend in a different direction, it could be because of significant damage to the roots. You might also notice that the soil appears swollen on the other side of the lean and that the roots are visible. Because this instability could cause it to fall, have a tree service assess the problem as soon as you notice it.

2. It Suffers Leaf Loss

The condition of the leaves can tell you a lot about the tree’s health. If they have a brown, brittle, or spotty appearance during the growing season, call for an inspection. You should also be concerned if normally green leaves suddenly turn yellow, as this may indicate the presence of disease.

3. It Has a Problem With Its Branches

tree serviceDiseased branches often lose bark or show signs of fungal growth before they fall. You may also notice that a branch is particularly popular with insects, who enjoy boring holes into the wood for a tasty snack. Tree pruning may help if the issue is limited to a single area, but if the issue impacts a larger number of branches, it will require complete tree removal.

4. It Has Rotting Roots

Root rot occurs when the tree’s soil is too wet, which prevents it from receiving enough oxygen to thrive. It can slow the tree’s natural growth, cause leaves to wilt and fall, and kill branches prematurely. Eventually, the roots suffer and die off. Your tree care expert may be able to salvage it by pruning infected areas, but removal is typically the only choice when the disease is widespread.


The health and vitality of your landscape depend largely on the condition of your trees. That’s why the certified and insured experts at Lincoln Tree Service, Inc. take a personal approach to each yard that they treat. They’ve served homeowners throughout Lancaster County, NE, and the surrounding areas for nearly 30 years. Whether you’re interested in tree maintenance or are concerned about potential tree removal, they can assess the problem and provide the right solution. Visit their website to find out more about their tree services or call (402) 466-1627 to schedule an appointment.
