
With more than three million Americans living with glaucoma, identifying the signs of this condition is crucial to early diagnosis and treatment. Learn about some of the prevalent symptoms so you know when to seek glaucoma testing.

3 Signs You Need Glaucoma Testing

1. Chronic Headaches

Frequent headaches around the eyes and forehead could be the result of glaucoma, which causes overproduction of fluid and increased pressure in the eye. These headaches can vary in intensity and be difficult to alleviate without proper diagnosis. Taking over-the-counter remedies like antihistamines may worsen symptoms.

glaucoma testing2. Pain in the Eyes

If you’ve ever had a sinus infection, you know how it feels to have pressure in your sinus cavities, forehead, and eyes. Glaucoma can produce a similar feeling of mild to severe pain, but is isolated behind the eyes. If you feel pressure or pain around your eyes, but don’t have other cold or sinus symptoms, get glaucoma testing to rule out this condition.

3. Vision Problems

As glaucoma advances, the added pressure can damage the optic nerve, which connects the retina to the brain and transmits what you see. This disturbance to the optic nerve can cause blurred vision at first, though complete blindness is a possibility if the disease continues to progress. During the early stages, glaucoma testing can offer diagnosis and treatment to help prevent vision deterioration.


If you’re exhibiting symptoms of glaucoma, seek proper evaluation from Alan L. Ginsburg, OD, in High Point, NC. With more than 40 years of experience in vision care, this practice offers the vital services you need to maintain your ocular health, including glaucoma testing and treatment as well as eye exams and eyeglass prescriptions. Learn more about their services online, or call (336) 889-6566 to make an appointment today. 
