
If the police stop you due to suspicion of Operating a Vehicle while Intoxicated, take care with your actions. Your behavior during and immediately after the arrest can impact the outcome of your case—and your overall future. Depending on the state and severity of your offense, consequences range from fines to jail time. Find out what to expect if you are stopped in Ohio and at what stage you need a DUI lawyer.

The Stages of an Ohio OVI Charge

1. Arrest

dui lawyerIf a police officer has enough proof to suggest you violated OVI laws after pulling you over, they may arrest you and take you to jail. You will be asked to complete a test or tests to determine your alcohol level, like a breathalyzer. Refusing to do has consequences, such as an automatic license suspension and harsher penalties if subsequently convicted.

2. Arraignment

After your arrest, you will have to attend an arraignment, an initial court appearance where you plead guilty, not guilty, or no contest. If you plan to challenge the OVI charge, you should plead not guilty. Ideally, you will already have a DUI lawyer by your side at this point—if not, inform the judge you plan to get one. 

3. Trial

Note that not all cases go to trial. Your OVI attorney will have your charges dismissed or secure you a plea deal. If you do end up in court, your DUI lawyer will create a defense plan. Your lawyer could argue to have certain evidence, like breathalyzer test results, suppressed on the grounds that it was unlawfully obtained, for instance. 


Don’t let one mistake cast a shadow on your future. If you are facing DUI charges in Ohio, trust Michael D. Doyle, Attorney At Law of Elyria to fight for you. This DUI lawyer has over 25 years of experience and can represent you confidently at every step, from your arraignment to a trial. For your convenience, he will provide a free initial consultation to figure out how to best proceed with your case: Call (440) 323-0001 or fill out the online form to request a meeting with the attorney.
