
Many people with allergies try to keep their symptoms at bay by avoiding the outdoors when pollen levels are high. But without effective household maintenance or an air purifier, indoor allergens can trigger allergy symptoms and asthma attacks year-round. Here are a few helpful hints for keeping indoor allergens under control.

Tips for Reducing Indoor Allergens

1. Seal Your Windows & Doors

Minimizing indoor allergens starts with preventing outdoor allergens from entering your home. If you have gaps around your windows and doors, install weather stripping to seal those openings and protect your indoor space from pollen, smog, and other outdoor irritants. Sealing your windows and doors also keeps out moisture from rain, snow, and humidity, reducing the chances of harmful mold and mildew growing in your home.

2. Clean Your Heating & Cooling System

Loveland air purifierAs your air conditioning and heating system moves air around your home, it is also collecting and circulating dust mites, pet dander, and other common indoor allergens. To help you and your family breathe easier, change air filters regularly and make vacuuming your vents a routine part of your housecleaning regimen. Every two years, schedule an appointment to have your heating and cooling ducts cleaned professionally.

3. Invest in an Air Purifier

An air purifier uses internal fans to draw air in your home through a series of filters designed to remove airborne allergens. The air cleaner then circulates the purified air throughout your indoor environment. For maximum allergen reduction, choose an air purifier unit with a filtration system that is classified as HEPA or high-efficiency particulate arrestance, meaning it removes at least 99.97% of particles 0.3 microns or larger.


Based in Loveland, OH, Rick Ogden Heating & Air Conditioning has provided reliable heating and cooling services to homes and businesses in the Tri-State area since 1982. Whether you’re looking for a new air purifier or water heater, their friendly consultants and skilled technicians are ready to assist you. Call (513) 683-3714 to discuss your heating and air conditioning needs; or, visit their website to learn more about their services and affordable rates.
